Direct Spectrophotometric Determination of Nickel (II) With p-Methoxyphenylazo-bis-acetoxime

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Rehana Khanam
Rekha Dashora
A. K. Goswami


A new reagent p-methoxyphenylazo-bis-acetoxime has been used for spectrophotometric determination of Ni (II). Nickel forms a 1:2 (Ni: R) ethanol soluble light yellow complex with the reagent. The working wavelength was taken at 370 nm (-3800) in the pH range 7.1-8.1. Beer’s law obeyed between 0.117 - 0.939 ppm and Sandell’s sensitivity is 15.44 ng/cm2.The values of log found from the two different methods were 8.65 and 8.67, respectively. Interference of 24 diverse ions has been examined.


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How to Cite
Khanam, R., Dashora, R., & Goswami, A. (2012). Direct Spectrophotometric Determination of Nickel (II) With p-Methoxyphenylazo-bis-acetoxime. Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 3(02), 78-81. Retrieved from
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