Wound Healing Effect of Furfural and Pentadecanal from Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers Acetone Flower extracts against Haemadipsa sylvestris Bite
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Health professionals working in rural areas where leech infestation is common should be aware that people are at risk for leech bites. The bite develops infected and wounds or ulcers maybe suffer a reaction to an allergen.The experimental plant Lagerstroemia speciosa is commonly called as Queen crape myrtle.Medicinal plants as effective and affordable treatments for cutaneous wounds.The objective of the present study was to investigate the wound healing effect of acetone flower extract of L. speciosaagainst Haemadipsasylvestris bite.Group I is control they didn’t receive any drug treatment, Group II and III received commercial ointment Betadine and Herbal ointment, respectively. Group IV and V are the topical application of LAFE 1% and 2% formulated ointments. The results revealed that the topically applied herbal ointment treated groups had rate of wound contraction 94.4%. The topically applied LAFE 1% and LAFE 2% treated groups had rate of wound contraction 94.5% and 95.3% (P<0.05) respectively at day 21. The present research finds the LAFE1% treated group has equal contraction to herbal ointment applied group and LAFE2% treated group has highest contraction rate compared to control. The study revealed that the acetone flower extract of the L. speciosa was capable of promoting wound healing and functional recovery in a dose-dependent way.
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