Re-evaluating the Human Appendix: Vestigial or Immunological Guardian

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Nidhi Sharma
Baljeet Kaur
Anamika Saxena


The vermiform appendix, once deemed vestigial and largely overlooked in medical circles, has recently captured renewed attention for its potential immunological functions. This review comprehensively explores various aspects related to the appendix, including its historical marginalization, anatomical characteristics, and emerging insights into its role in immunity. Discussion extends to the clinical relevance of the appendix in human health and disease. Additionally, evolutionary perspectives shed light on its persistence across species and potential adaptive significance. As researchers explore further into its immunological roles, new avenues for investigation emerge, promising to uncover further complexities in human physiology. This review aims to present a nuanced understanding of the appendix, encouraging ongoing exploration and recognition of its importance within the human body.



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How to Cite
Sharma, N., Kaur, B., & Saxena, A. (2024). Re-evaluating the Human Appendix: Vestigial or Immunological Guardian. Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 15(07), 01-04.
Review Articles