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Basant Khare
Tarkeshwar Prasad Shukla


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a progressive, chronic, debilitating autoimmune disease manifested clinically by polyarthralgia associated with joint dysfunction triggering the antibodies targeting against the self-neoepitopes determined by autoimmune responses associated with chronic arthritic attacks. Arthritis is not an inherited disease but caused by stimulation of some hidden arthritis susceptible genes lowering the quality of life throughout the world, particularly in developing countries. RA generally affects the joints like wrists, elbows, knees and ankles. Usually women are more affected by RA than men due to the prevalence of hormonal changes. Age is also an important factor that contributes for the development of RA. Several anti-inflammatory and disease-modifying drugs are available for RA therapy. However, the prolonged use of these drugs is associated with severe side effects. Furthermore, these drugs are effective only in a proportion of RA patients. Hence, there is a need to search for new therapeutic agents that are effective yet safe. Interestingly, a variety of herbs and other natural products offer a vast resource for such anti-arthritic agents. Nature has been a source of medicinal agents for more than thousands of years and herbal therapy predominates in traditional systems of medicine as well as in alternative medicine practiced in various cultures such as Indian system of medicine, Chinese Traditional Medicine, Unani classical literature. This review article presents about various polyherbal formulations (PHF) utilized in RA treatment. PHF has been used all around the earth due to its medicinal and therapeutic application. The present review deals with various commercial and non-commercial polyherbal formulation used by different countries of the world for the treatment of RA, their therapeutic potentials including clinical and preclinical results along with their safety and efficacy. This review will facilitate to gain all about the past scientific research and the necessary information about the anti-arthritic activities of polyherbal formulations which will insist the young researchers for future research to protect human beings from RA and may serves as a natural gold for the promotion of mankind.


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How to Cite
Khare, B., & Shukla, T. (2022). A REVIEW ON POLYHERBAL FORMULATION USED IN THE TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 13(01), 31-42. https://doi.org/10.55218/JASR.202213103
Review Articles