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Naveen Kumar Tripathi
Neelam Khan


Medicinal plants have been used basically in all cultures as a source of medicine. Medicinal plants play an important role in public health, especially in developed and developing countries, and leads to examination for therapeutic and pharmacological applications. Medicinal Plants have been used for thousands of years to flavor and conserve food, to treat different health issues, and to prevent diseases including epidemics. Active compounds produced during secondary metabolism usually possess the biological properties of plant species used throughout the globe for various purposes, including the treatment of infectious diseases. Based on the medicinal values, the Celosia cristata has been chosen for this review. Celosia cristata is a variety of species Celosia argentea (Celosia argentea var. cristata) plays an important role in traditional medicine to cure several disorders such as fever, diarrhea, mouth sores, itching, wounds, jaundice, gonorrhea, and inflammation. A variety of phytoconstituents are isolated from the Celosia species which includes triterpenoids, saponins, alkaloids, phenols, tannins, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, steroids, phytosterols, and phlorotannins. The plant has potential pharmacological values screened for its various pharmacological activities, namely, anti-inflammatory, immune-stimulating, anticancer, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, wound healing, antidiabetic, antinociceptive effect, and antibacterial activities which are reported in the extracts of different parts of the plant. The objective of this study was to provide an overview of the ecology, phytoconstituents, pharmacology of Celosia cristata and to confess their therapeutic potentials, and secure an evidence base for further research works on Celosia cristata.


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How to Cite
Tripathi, N., & Khan, N. (2021). PHYTOCHEMICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL OVERVIEW ON CELOSIA CRISTATA LINN. Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 12(03 Suppl 2), 46-51.
Review Articles