Variation in Lipid Classes and Fatty Acid Content During Ovarian Maturation of Albunea Symmysta

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Srinivasan P.
Rameshthangam P.
Prabhu N. M.
Arulvasu C.


Variation in lipid classes and fatty acid profiles were studied during different developmental stages of ovary of Albunea symmysta. The values of neutral, phospho and glycolipid were recorded high (10.00.001, 14.70.002, 21.00.002) at ripen stage and declined (3.20.001, 5.40.002, 10.50.001) at spent stage. The concentration of lauric, myristic, palmitic and lignoceric acid reached high at ripen stage (stage IV) (0.144, 0.816, 15.92 and 1.514 %) and those acid concentration were lowered (0.118, 0. 380, 2.568, and 0.872 %) at spent stage (stage V). The concentration of stearic, arachidic and behanic acid were fluctuated in the stage III and IV (4.027- 0.683, 1.872-1.832 and 3.815-3.869 %) and lowered (0.925, 0.961, 1.905 %) The palmitolic acid values were fluctuated (0.673-0.626 %) in the stage III and IV and its concentration was lowered (0.225 %) at spent stage. The oleic acid concentration was recorded higher than that of all other fatty acids and its values increased (42.27 %) at ripen stage and declined (18.52 %) at spent stage. All the polyunsaturated fatty acids were fluctuated in the ripening stage (especially stage III 8 IV) and those acids value reached maximum at the stage III and lowered at spent stage.


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How to Cite
P., S., P., R., M., P., & C., A. (2012). Variation in Lipid Classes and Fatty Acid Content During Ovarian Maturation of Albunea Symmysta. Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 3(02), 60-64. Retrieved from
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