Anthelmintic Activity of Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil - Validation of Traditional Use

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Nilani P.
Mani Kumar Pinaka
Duraisamy B.
Dhamodaran P.
Jeyaprakash M. R.


Oil of Moringa oleifera was subjected to anthelmintic activity against Indian earthworm Pheritima posthuma. Oil of Moringa oleifera was tested and results were expressed in terms of time for paralysis and time for death of worms. Piperazine citrate (10 mg/ml) was used as a reference standard and distilled water as a control group. Oil of Moringa oleifera showed potent activity and comparable to the standard used.


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How to Cite
P., N., Pinaka, M., B., D., P., D., & R., J. (2012). Anthelmintic Activity of Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil - Validation of Traditional Use. Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 3(02), 65-66. Retrieved from
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